The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York

The Poisoner's Handbook

Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York

2010 • 319 pages


Average rating4


Lots of gruesomeness but the creation and evolution of the forensic science in New York City during Prohibition, and beyond, is incredible. I think my lucky stars I was born in a time when the health and safety of the citizens becomes important and checks-n-balanaces were put in place.

All my grand and great grands are gone, mostly due to old age although now that I think about it, nicotine was a major factor in 1 death. The section on nicotine has me contemplating how ordinary his death seemed at the time. I would have loved to hear their take on some of these stories and that time period.

July 21, 2019Report this review