I really enjoyed this book. There were sections where I wished for more detail, but the format of the series is to condense the material for the casual reader, so that was alright. This book presents good cases against many of the explanations for and solutions to the Great Depression, including Hoover being a do-nothing president, the New Deal getting us out, and WWII getting us out. The Austrian case is presented nicely, and authors such as Hayek, Mises, and Hazlitt are brought up.
The format of the book is a bit weird. The normal text flows page to page, but there are lengthy sections of text interspersed around the main body, so the reader constantly has to either skip over those sections or find a good stopping point in the main text so he/she can take in a box of related content.
I really liked the abundance of quotes from the era, many of which were humorous or very illustrative. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants a different side of the Great Depression than the mainstream.