Average rating4
Easily one of my favorite books! I read it so fast because I had to know what happened next. Now feel like I need to reread it to fully explore all the themes. I don't think I've ever fallen in love with a book or author this fast
My full review can be found on in this video on my youtube channel
“Then find out. Find out the nature of the Cosmos”
Ren thought it was somewhat unreasonable to ask her to puzzle out what philosophers and theologians had been trying to answer for millennia, but she returned to the library. And came back with more questions still.
“But how does the existence or nonexistence of the gods affect me? Why does it matter how the universe came to be?”
“Because you're part of it. Because you exist. And unless you want to only ever be a tiny modicum of existence that doesn't understand its relation to the grander web of things, you will explore.”
“Why should I?”
“Because I know you want power.” He tapped her forehead again. “And how can you borrow power from the gods when you don't understand what they are?”
- Chapter 9 (6:40)