The Pragmatic Programmer

The Pragmatic Programmer

1999 • 321 pages • 9h 55m


Average rating4.4


I liked this book, but if I had to suggest just one book for someone to read to become a better programmer I'd choose Clean Code instead. There are a lot of good tips in here, but there's also a lot of outdated information (I should have checked that I had the 2nd edition). Some of the stuff they recommend is no longer applicable because tools exist for that task.

In general though, a lot of the advice is timeless and useful, even if the perspective seems to be from a consulting standpoint and not as a member of a team working on software that's continuously being updated. Again, maybe a difference in the times (everything now is continuously shipped SaaS products).

I think a lot of the ideas in this book were probably revolutionary at the time this book was published, but are common knowledge now (or common sense). Still, its good to get reminders and I did find myself highlighting a number of passages as I went along.

February 5, 2021Report this review