The quiet game

The quiet game


Average rating4.1


Well I love this author. I believe this may be his first book but I'm far too tired right now to double check. Throughout the novel I could envision everything. What a talent to have the ability to paint such detailed pictures, characters and intricate storylines with words. My criticism comes from this strength. At times the momentum was bogged down by lengthy antidotes and descriptors. Some areas of the book needed this for reference of importance later and some areas could have been shortened. The overall product became a bit too long and began to drag. We get it...the ex girlfriend is a tortured soul with complicated motives. As readers we did not need that point belaboured.
But despite those negatives what a tale Mr. Ile's weaves. I cannot believe a movie about Natchez and Penn Cage has yet to be written and I look forward to picking up the next book in this series.

May 25, 2018Report this review