The Realms Thereunder


Average rating2


I absolutely love Stephen Lawhead. I fell in love with his writing in the King Raven series (Hood, Scarlet and Tuck), which I still hold today is possibly one of my favorite series that I have ever read. But I must admit that when I tried another one of his series, I put it down to come back to later. Considering how much I enjoy Stephen Lawhead, when I heard that his son was going to be writing along the same genre, I was super excited to jump for it in his debut book.

About halfway through, I lost interest. My Enginerd has often told me, I'm not imaginative enough, and he is ready to grab this book from my fingertips and read it on his own as he says it sounds fascinating. At the prologue and the first few chapters I was captivated and really curious what was going on and what was about to happen. But then once Daniel “got out” or “got in” or however you'd like to put it... when he was “there” again the conversation through me and I was forcing myself to read and turn pages. Alas.

I have seen lots of positive reviews everywhere for this book already, but it's a book I just cannot finish or at least I'll have to come back to it later. While reading I had my mind jumping different places. Reminiscent of the TV Series Angel when they started jumping portals and into sweeping to different realities of C.S. Lewis in his Chronicles of Narnia and a bit of influence from perhaps other Inklings authors as well. I think that all in all, this book will definitely be someone's perfect cup of tea (my husband perhaps), but just not mine, at least not right now.

Thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing a copy for review through the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Blog Tour.
