Cover 1

The Recordings

The Recordings


Average rating2


Rating: 2.96 leaves out of 5-Characters: 3/5 -Cover: 5/5-Story: 2.75/5-Writing: 3/5Genre: LGBT, Mystery, Thriller-LGBT: 5/5-Mystery: 1/5-Thriller: 1/5Type: EbookWorth?: EhHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Really Liked LovedWant to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.The story wasn't bad, per say. I like the concept of it all but the writing could be worked on a bit more. It is easy for people to use filler words when writing, a habit we formed thanks to being forced to write essays in school, and what this does to the story can make the whole thing feel stop-n-go. That is how I felt when reading. Another concept of the book that could use some focusing on is building characters and that thrill. Fleshing them out before writing, I have found, helps reads connect and care about who you are writing about. It takes time but in the end gives better results. I know this is Kyle's first book and that in itself is a scary accomplishments but hopefully he will see this and take it as helpful criticism.

February 25, 2024Report this review