The Redemption of Roman

The Redemption of Roman

352 pages


Average rating4


Are you fucking kidding me? Honestly, Roman? It's on sight. My hate boner for you will never deflate. Studies will be done on its endurance.

Never has a book made love out to be some incurable disease more than this one.

Remorse is not an apology. Self sacrifice is not an apology. Hell, even therapy IS NOT AN APOLOGY.

What would have been a sufficient apology for Roman to make, you ask? Nothing. Roman did not deserve to be forgiven.

Roman literally got a wide eyed innocent and fucked him up.

“You're welcome. I love you, Alex.”
I wish you didn't. 
“I love you too, Roman.”
I wish I didn't either.

“I love you, with everything I have inside me, but it's not enough.”

“I have to get out now while I still can, because if I don't, his love is going to kill me.”

This is heartbreaking.

This man ruined that boy's life, in a span of a few years. Fucked him, his innocence, AND his faith in love. There's not even a noteworthy grovel for catharsis.

And at the end of all this, do we really believe Roman won't do this again? I don't. We don't even get to see the work he claims he's done to ensure this won't reoccur.

Why did I rate this 4 stars even though I vehemently disagree with the plot resolution?

Because it's really well done for a debut novel.

Because it has a well written villain that I'm going to love hating (I'm not joking. I'm going to nurture this grudge like a child-raise it lovingly, put bows in its hair and everything).

Because it made me feel things so acutely. Mostly rage. But rage is a valid emotion, hey.

Because with this one, I really struggled to separate my personal beliefs from the story.

Do I think people ever really change? No. Especially abusers. My instinct is no.

Do I think they deserve the kind of forgiveness Roman got, based on just faith(read relief that he's not really.... you-know-what) and allowed back into your life? Absolutely the fuck not.

December 10, 2023Report this review