The Rules of the Road

The Rules of the Road

2021 • 336 pages


Average rating3.8


I really liked the first part with the stories of people who heard the Rules of the Road broadcasts, I have a thing for radio based horror (oddly enough because you couldn't pay me enough to willingly listen to the radio) so that was really up my proverbial alley. However the ending is where things sort of just unraveled for me and I was left with a feeling of oh-okay. Still well worth the read just for the vignettes.

The book is in the same vein as Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink and I would recommend it for readers who enjoy the general vibe of Fink's writing style a lot of its best elements are present in Jones' style but with a gritter tone.

It was also a surprisingly quick read for a book that's over 300 pages long.

February 11, 2024Report this review