The Scottish Boy

The Scottish Boy

2020 • 564 pages


Average rating4


Like..... can we take a moment to discuss why another man's dick was in your mouth? No? Okay. I guess we're mostly pretending it didn't have a huge impact on the trajectory of the story.

Still can't believe there was so much drama all the time that the cheating bit was mostly brushed under the rug, though. It seems like the sort of thing one would make time to discuss - beyond a one minute conversation brushing it off.

That said, I really loved this story, in spite of all the political subplots-which I usually hate.

I loved that Iain was the one most at peace with his sexuality. Even more than that, I loved how Harry never once considered anyone else that way after Iain. Even in grief and beyond. That part of him died with Iain. It's romantic in a sad sort of way.

Alys was a very convenient wife. Too convenient. But I guess there was so much going on to add a resentful wife to the mix, so I won't belabor that point.

‘I kneel for only one man and it's neither of you.'

GOODNESS. The boldness of making this confession. To the king, no less. And Harry turning redder than a tomato in the background.

September 21, 2023Report this review