The Seaside Sisters

The Seaside Sisters

2024 • 311 pages • 8h 22m


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

Solid, If A Touch Generic, Beach Read. You know those tales where you go into it knowing roughly what is going to happen from the get-go, but also knowing you're going to enjoy the experience because you know this type of tale and know nothing too shocking or controversial will be a major plot point? In other words, a somewhat Hallmark Movie type plot, but more on the women's fiction side and featuring multiple storylines in one?

Yeah, this is pretty well exactly that, in coastal Cape Cod + NYC as the "big city". Solid enough to be a solid, inoffensive choice for lounging at the pool or on a beach reading while relaxing as the kids make a fool of themselves in the water... in other words, fairly idyllic "summer read". And what do you know, positioned to release right at the beginning of the "summer season" in the US, just over a week after Memorial Day and when many - particularly more Yankee-area - schools are getting out of school for the summer later that week.

So if this is the kind of tale you're looking for - and based on the Hallmark Channel's success, clearly there is a fairly substantial market for this type of tale - then you're going to enjoy this one and it is pretty well going to be everything you expect it to be. For those looking for something with more teeth... look for some of my other reviews, wherever you may find them. :)

Very much recommended.

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May 31, 2024Report this review