I thought I really enjoyed The Third Daughter and then this book sort of blew that out of the water. Absolutely stunning, amazing sequel and conclusion to a series. I like it when the last book feels like the last book; where plots are all neatly tied up and the endings all make sense. But still there's that sense where you could very well spend 3 more books in this universe. That was me with this series – fantastic ending but I wouldn't mind spending more time here.
That's definitely due to the characters. Tooley fully shines in her characters – dialogue, development, just how they live in the world. It was even better than the previous book. Especially with the two main female characters – Sabine and Elodie – how they interacted with everyone around them, whether friends or enemies. How they interacted with each other – so sweet and special, I loved every second. And even with themselves as they try to navigate their new roles and their purposes in life.
I really liked Sabine and Elodie in the first book and I liked them even more in this one. Reading the first book's review I said I liked Sabine's chapters more, and here I liked Elodie's chapters more – so that was interesting. Both of them had changed so much with all they've been through and they continue to go through so much more this time around. To me their personalities were better in the sequel – maybe because Tooley spent more time with them or they're put through rougher circumstances in here.
Either way, it just works so well and I was here for it all the way. I want to dive into Grace's other books because of how well she writes these characters. I can only hope that the characters in her other books are as well-written as in here. The side characters in here are so well-written too that they don't feel like they're actually side characters. They're fully fleshed out, you see their emotions clear on their faces and dialogue. You know their personalities even though they're only seen in a few scenes. That's what I love to see in a book.
The plot rolls over from the previous book but it also brings up new plot points and Grace balanced them all very well. I really like a good balance of typing up the old plot points from the previous book and dealing with new ones. To me that's the mark of a good author as it shows not only that they're able to juggle it all but they do it well enough so that you, the reader, understands it all.