The Secret
1997 • 156 pages


Average rating3.6


Sorry I haven't been writing reviews for these but there's so many volumes and yeah X_X.

Two things stuck out to me in this volume:

#1 OH MY GOD THE SKUNK THING WAS ADORABLE. How they all worked as a team to save the skunk babies and how the baby skunks followed Cassie when she was the skunk-mommy. I just...I can't. So cute.

#2 I loved the moral dilemmas Cassie suffers through in this one. It delves pretty deep for a kid's book. It basically boils down to something we all think at one point in our lives: If we are all going to die and if nature is full of killing then what is the point of saving anyone/any creature? Cassie is forced to think about these things when she kills the termite queen and later when she has to confront the fact that Tobias kills animals all the time but then helps to save the skunk kits. Very deep thinking right there. And Jake has a good response when she looks to him for comfort. Guh this series can be so thought provoking and that's why I love it.

New morphs this time: Termites and skunks. I liked how the termites were similar to the ants but different. This time the problem was less cannibalistic enemies and more a loss of self. It's smart how the author uses how naturally f'd up animals are to create a new kind of horror. The skunks on the other hand were pretty funny. I've never been skunked or been around someone who was skunked so I don't know how bad it smells. I was impressed that it worked in the end against Visser three, I would have never thought they would use stench as a weapon against him haha. Also, apparently Andalites can smell? That's actually pretty interesting since smell and taste are so linked.

June 17, 2013Report this review