The Secret Keeper: A Novel of Kateryn Parr

The Secret Keeper: A Novel of Kateryn Parr

2012 • 338 pages


Average rating5


4 stars? 5 stars? Perhaps 4.5 stars or 4.75. Sandra Byrd weaves an incredible historical tale in the end days of Henry VIII and his last wife Katheryn Parr and beyond her life even. The connection of characters both in court and in a familial sense was very appropriate for the times and added and interest level. I started this one in a rush after completing [b:To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn 10092857 To Die For A Novel of Anne Boleyn (Ladies in Waiting, #1) Sandra Byrd 14989846] and had a hiccup for a little bit before I got to finish the last few chapters, but enjoyed every minute of it. (Well, minus two certain uncomfortable scenes, obviously!) The Secret Keeper is a beautiful story that kept the pages turning. It was heart breaking, tear making, and suspenseful with curiosity on what might or could be in the end. Once again, she took a romance that had no place to move forward and turned it into a sighing out loud absolute pleasure to experience and read. I had to hug my husband I enjoyed the last few chapters so much. ;) My friends were right, and Sandra's historicals are on my keeper shelf and I'll be planning to read Elizabeth's story next in addition to my other pile of Tutor novels I've started stacking up. Actually I enjoyed these two books so much that when Sandra's contemporary series came rereleased as a eBook for a bargain, I just had to buy them all. So look for reviews of those to come eventually as well! Thanks to Sandra and Howard Books for providing a copy for review.posted:

February 24, 2013Report this review