The Secret Root
2012 • 372 pages


Average rating4


I really liked this book. It does seem to have borrowed a lot of plots from other stories though. In chapter 15 alone I felt like there were shades of The Matrix, Stargate SG-1, Fringe, the Australian TV-show Parallax, Star Trek: Enterprise, Buffy season 6 and the Hitchhikers series of novels. But this gets kind of an explanation in chapter 33 that makes the use of those other plots seem like it was meant to make us think of other stories if that makes sense. The story as a whole is engaging and I kept reading on wanting to know what happened next.

The story does however end on a kind of a cliffhanger and even though book number two in the series is expected in 2015 that might be something of a turn off for some.

November 18, 2014Report this review