The Secret Stealers

The Secret Stealers

2021 • 443 pages


Average rating4


The Secret Stealers is a book about women spies during World War II. I wanted to read this book because I had first read another book by this author, The Beantown Girls, which I liked very much. I also had the opportunity of meeting Jane Healey in a virtual book chat hosted by our local library, where she talked about The Secret Stealers.
I have to say I really liked Anna's journey from a French teacher in a private school in Washington to a spy in German-occupied France. That part of the book was very interesting to me.
However, I didn't particularly care for the romantic plot line in this book. I didn't need it. Also, I thought it was too similar to The Beantown Girls where the leading lady has two equally good choices but, in the end, the war decides for her.

August 26, 2021Report this review