The Selection
2012 • 1 page


Average rating3.6


“I hope you find someone you can't live without.I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it's like to have to try and live without them.”

Read this during Christmas time and it was a welcome break from all those cheesy Christmas romances I have tried to read and dnfed for the past few days. I loved most of the characters in the book and even tho America annoyed me at times I was able to get past that:)

“It's always the fear of looking stupid that stops you from being awesome.”

I loved all the vibes of the various dresses, the food and the palace❤️❤️

“No, I'm not choosing him or you. I'm choosing me.”

And the growing romance was amazing, but I hated the fact that Aspen appeared as a guard ughhh why why whyyyyy America and Maxon were getting along well and Aspen had to come and become a guard ughhh I was sooo freaking mad coz of this!!!!!!!

I read this in a day and cant wait to read the books from d rest of the series!!

December 21, 2021Report this review