The Shadow Wand

The Shadow Wand

2020 • 576 pages


Average rating3.8


This book was so good! Unlike the first 2 books of the series, we get multiple POVs which is really cool because you get to see how everyone's stories are intertwined. I sense a big romantic conflict coming for book 4 and this is why I hate love triangles! Elloren has to come to grips with her newfound power while also battling some personal inner conflict. Vogel's power is growing super strong and I sense an epic battle also coming in book 4. Again this book (like the others) focuses on some difficult themes of race conflict and abuse (physical and sexual) so keep that in mind if you plan to read. There are some steamy scenes but they're mild and not graphic. I'd classify this as YA. My only complaint is that there's a cliffhanger ending and I have to wait until February for closure! So damn good. It's been a long time since I've read fantasy YA and have been so consumed and invested in the story. I think the next book is going to be full of adventure, battle, and conflict and I can't wait!

September 8, 2021Report this review