Average rating3.5
This took me sooo long to finish a week to be precise! And it gave me major IT vibes and at first I liked it but as the story went on it became kinda annoying:(Also it was really creepy at times coz it was set in a very spooky atmosphere!“As you get older, it [time] all begins to blur into one. You start to think life was never any kind of straight line. It was always more of a ... scribble.”Didn't expect the twist but it wasn't so shocking I saw some reviews saying that [b:The Whisper Man 41940236 The Whisper Man Alex North https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1541864083l/41940236.SY75.jpg 63202631] was better so maybe I should give that a go? The plot sounds interesting for that too so I just bumped it up my tbr:)