The Ship of Dreams: The Sinking of the Titanic and the End of the Edwardian Era

The Ship of Dreams

The Sinking of the Titanic and the End of the Edwardian Era



Average rating5


The sinking of the Titanic was one of the most horrific losses of life, with over 1500 dead. The giant luxury liner was touted to be unsinkable, but went down on its maiden voyage, the vessel struck an iceberg, ripping a gash down the side of the ship that was beyond anything that the designers could have imagined, and it led to catastrophic results.

In Ship Of Dream,s, Gareth Russel takes us into the lives of six of the more celebrity figures on the Titanic, and the aftermath of the sinking. It was something that would change their lives, and many others in such a short time. For the ones who survived, it would stick with them for the rest of their days, marking each year that passed.

This was a book that was hard to put down! I was drawn into the stories of these families, and the heartbreak that was so prevalent on that night. For one family, they chose to stay together rather than be separated, resulting in loss of life for all.
This book is a MUST read for anyone who enjoys history on the Titanic, or history in general! Well thought out, masterfully written, and a winner all around!

November 19, 2019Report this review