The Shoe on the Roof

The Shoe on the Roof

384 pages


Average rating2


This book was provided to me by NetGalley for free in exchange for an honest review.

This book was unbearable. I got to exactly 50%, put it down, and never picked it up again and I know I never will. Nothing about the story was interesting, I didn't feel like I cared about any of the characters or what happens to them. This guy in the story was obviously delusional if he thinks that he can get his girlfriend back by helping his brother with his mental illness. How would anyone not find that creepy? I will admit I never got to the part where she actually finds out or whether he was able to help the brother but I know that if it was realistic it would not go well.

The point is I couldn't finish it and I would not recommend this to anyone.

August 29, 2017Report this review