The sixth day

The sixth day


Average rating4


It was good to read another book about the adventures of Nick and Mike. This one intersperses the history of Vlad Dracul III, vampirism, Romanian gypsy lore, possible ties to Rasputin and Bram Stoker with modern day cyberwarfare and very futuristic drone technology.
The plot was quite enjoyable and very fast paced but sometimes, it was hard to keep track of the various intersecting plot lines. I was fascinated by the whole mystery about the Voynich manuscript and how it was ingrained into the evil twins in the story.
My only problem was that the various interactions in the book didn't feel right , especially the ones between Nick and Mike felt very off and sometimes even silly and not really like them.
But overall, this is a fun read, especially for the fans of the series and I flew through the book in a single sitting.

April 30, 2018Report this review