The Song of the Sycamore

The Song of the Sycamore

2019 • 496 pages


Average rating4


This is a good one!!

Wendal died in the war. Now, he is returning home. He is possessed by something named Sycamore.
Some call him an ageless demon. Sycamore may be a demon or not, but he has a purpose. Getting revenge for murder victims. The problem is, the hands enacting this revenge belong to Wendel.

I really enjoyed this one. I was confused at first, but then it all came together. Wendal is a great character, and I really liked the magic. I could just picture the city with its shield up!

If you enjoy fantasy, give this one a go!

I received a copy from Net Galley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

August 8, 2019Report this review