The soul keepers
The soul keepers
If it's one thing I hate in books, it's when authors drop in main characters in pre established groups with some tragic history so now the new comer gets shit treatment from one person in the group and the other people just ignore it.
I can't even being to say how much I hate this lazy af writing device. If there needs to be drama surely there's better way to introduce it. Second of all, the toxcity gets water under the bridge card and there's seldom any apologies offered leading me into my third and most important irritation.
The details of the so-called tragic back story are constantly hidden or not talked and the MC has to keep apologising for not approaching the topic properly when they don't even have any semblance of an idea what it is. Which is clearly the author just witholding information from the reader for a “better” and “exciting” reveal later in the story, which is again characters being hurt at having to reveal the tragedy and maybe throw in a horrible thing happening or two, again one person and one thing being the sole cause of it so now they gotta work together to solve the issue but yes we mustn't forget this was all one person's fault! How dare they not know! How dare they question?!
(I'm being petty. This is how much I hate this trope. And I have a headache from reading because it's just plain annoying)
TL; DR - I hate drama induced by bad communication that can be easily solved. And I hate the “you don't belong in our pre-established group” trope.
I don't want to read further cause I don't find it worth my time to read about impossible to enjoy characters. Maybe I'll come back to it for the lore someday and maybe when I'm able to ignore my annoyance with the character situation or maybe not.