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The South Beach Diet Supercharged

The South Beach Diet Supercharged

Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life


Average rating4


Back in 2003, when the SBD first came out, I was a freshman in college and terrified of the “freshman 15”. My mom bought me the first [b:The South Beach Diet 239478 South Beach Diet Arthur Agatston 260534] and my freshman 15 was a negative 15. Through out college, I remember thinking that I was overweight, but looking back at those pictures, I truly miss how skinny I was! Through different doctors and vitamins and pills and such I got to a point where I gained a rapid and unexplainable amount of about 50 lbs and haven't been able to lose it. I have no desire to exercise, and whenever I do, I just feel worse and more hopeless. I kinda gave up on the SBD way of life, because it wasn't working, and with now feeding the husband, my methods were hopeless. Well, now [a:Arthur Atgatson] has updated and more than republished his old SBD book, this one is completely an upgrade. [b:The South Beach Diet Supercharged 2218656 The South Beach Diet Supercharged Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life Arthur Agatston 2224448] does have all of the old advice, but so much more, and more in depth, that makes more sense. Plus there is more scientific data to back it up, and more success stories to brag about with the lifestyle. The supercharged part of the diet now is the emphasis on exercise. Not to say that he had not mentioned it back in 2003, he had, but not in the depth and detail with the experts backing his work as it is in this book. It's taken me about three weeks to read the book, and I've been on the diet for about two and some weeks, and have so far lost ‘eh about 10 lbs. It's not fabulous, but it is more than I've been able to do in the last year. So, even though, on day two of the diet, the hubby stocked the fridge with Dr. Pepper and Ginger Ale (my favorites). I haven't had a one, and I'm doing fairly well. I read the exercise portions today, and they appear simple, and appear to be something I am capable of... Just saying, I despise exercise, and the activities are put into a format of ONLY 20 MINUTES a day, and no more. So, I might be able to fit that in between a book or two.

May 21, 2008Report this review