The Spiral Down
2016 • 9 pages


Average rating5


This is the first time I've read or listened to a Aly Martinez book, but it won't be my last. I am so in love with this book. It was everything I hoped and more. When I was scrolling through Audible and spotted a book narrated by Aiden Snow and Teddy Hamilton I jumped at the chance to listen to it - dream team right there. Having spent the day listening to the book I have to say that I love Aly's writing, I was doing so well until the last couple of chapters and then I shed a couple of tears - I couldn't help it, dammit! My cold heart was cracked by this couple and how they had to try and overcome their hang ups to be together. I also had a number of laugh out loud moments - you know it's bad when your dog starts giving you the side-eye like you're crazy. I went in on book 2, seeing as it was a standalone, I don't feel I missed out by not reading book 1 first, however, I hadn't even finished this one before I was back on Audible buying book 1 - I wanted to spend more time with some of these characters.

Speaking of characters, I have so much love for them. Evan and Henry both had issues that they needed to overcome. They were frustrating at times, but lovable. I was rooting for them the whole time. The way their relationship progressed and how they grew as people was really beautiful to experience. The chemistry between them was jumping through the headphones...that is, when the sexual energy was melting them. The epilogue made my heart soar, it was the perfect ending for this couple, with a message that more people should understand. I thought the support characters were a fantastic addition. I'm looking forward to diving into Sam and Levee's story. I hope we get stories for Scott, and Carter and Robin in the future.

Aiden Snow and Teddy Hamilton insert all the heart eyes were amazing. I do not use that word lightly, I was completely lost in this story and their performances. It was heart-achingly beautiful. They both have very distinct voices and it worked so well, I had just finished saying how dual was my least favourite style of narration, and then I listened to this book and I take all the words back. Aiden and Teddy proved me wrong, they captivated me and I was lost in their voices. I listened to this book in one go, once I started I just couldn't pull myself away. Each character was unique and easily identifiable. The emotion, man, the emotion they put into their voices swoon I could not imagine this book having any other voice, they were perfect as Henry and Evan. The casting gods were smiling down on us. The production was wonderful with no issues that I noted.