The Spirit of the Dragon

The Spirit of the Dragon

2019 • 352 pages


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

Gone With The Kimchi. This book has the depth and emotion of Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind, but it is set beginning in 1930s Korea and continuing through the major events of the Korean people from then to now. Never overly graphic, yet conveying the appropriate gravitas regardless, this book highlights so many of the horrors of the Imperial Japanese government during this period - and how being a part of it came to haunt one (fictional) man. Ultimately a story of undying love and an undying belief that we are all truly one people, this is a book that cannot be missed. And if you happen to read Jeremy Robinson's Island 731 before or after, you'll have an even better sense of the true tragedy conveyed in this tale. Very much recommended.

December 24, 2019Report this review