The Spiritual Tourist : A Personal Odyssey Through the Outer Reaches of Belief

The Spiritual Tourist

A Personal Odyssey Through the Outer Reaches of Belief

1998 • 320 pages


Average rating3


I was anticipating a happy wanderer,
objectively visiting churches, mosques,
temples. This was a different story.
The author starts his journey by openly
stating that he has “received no epiphany
to give (him) faith.” He wanders from one
cult-like spiritual group to another, finding
little more than disappointment and
disillusionment everywhere he goes.
His last stop is to a Buddhist group where
he seems to finally feel some sense of peace.

My criticism of his trip centers on two things:
(1) he started the journey with an admittedly
strong bias against religion and (2) he only
went to the very wackiest of spiritual groups.

January 1, 2003Report this review