The Stand-In

The Stand-In

2021 • 384 pages


Average rating3.6


This was a great romance and an engaging story. Very much a slow burn as Gracie Lee meets the movie star Wei-Fang Lei and her leading man Sam. Wei-Fang Lei needs a break and although Sam objects Gracie Lee looks like Wei-Fang and takes on the job of being her for a few months. She and Sam begin to spend time together and get to know each other. There is also the friendship between Wei-Fang and Gracie that is very sweet and I enjoyed the character of Gracie so much. She was a people pleaser, who didn't always trust and believe in her own worth and she had so much growth during the story. It was also funny and I listened to it on Audible and the narrator was terrific. Definitely one to pick up this year.

February 6, 2024Report this review