The Stolen Chapters
2016 • 368 pages


Average rating4.4


Brief Review

I waited a bit to finish the whole series to review these books, and I have to say, this was a whole ride, and it was quite unexpected, honestly. This book is SO well-written, and so many times when something happens when you don't expect it. The way the book is formatted is also amazing, since it is formatted like it's missing chapters - ( STOLEN chapters ). It just all makes sense, and I absolutely loved it. Now, let me go deeper into the book. Spoilers ahead!


The characters were amazing, and it's just so easy to imagine them. I loved Moira, who was a new character for the second book, and love her personality a lot! On another note, I also love Owen's personality, with his clumsiness, his thoughts into thinking he's the one who always makes bad things happen, and his strange ideas that sometimes works! I REALLY hate Fowen, so much! At first, I thought he was genuinely excited about the whole Nowen being written about thing, but apparently not.


The plot was exciting, you can't help waiting for more. As I said before, the chapters are formatted like this : Stolen Chapters 1 to 10, with only brief words shown, so that was an intriguing aspect. The book starts narrating Chapter 11, and in different periods of time in the book, each Stolen Chapter was shown, like you are piecing the entire book piece by piece, until in the end, it makes sense. So, there were also very interesting logic in the book, such as ANOTHER Owen in the fictional universe, who was called Fowen ( Fictional Owen. )

This is all I can think about for now, but I genuinely enjoyed this book, and will be reviewing the other books of the series as well! wink

July 16, 2022Report this review