The Story Cure: A Book Doctor's Pain-Free Guide to Finishing Your Novel or Memoir

The Story Cure

A Book Doctor's Pain-Free Guide to Finishing Your Novel or Memoir

2017 • 194 pages


Average rating3


I am (in theory) the perfect person to read this book. I have been working on a memoir/novel for...wait for it...forty years. Yup. And I haven't finished.

Oh how I want a story cure.

I'm still waiting.

I love Dinty W. Moore. He's a marvelous writer and (I bet) he's a marvelous teacher. But this book didn't do it for me. For whatever reason. It's filled with oodles and oodles of diagnoses (“You just can't find the opening sentence,” for example) and cures, but I couldn't use the cure because I couldn't figure out what diagnosis applies to my book, and that's a deal breaker here.

June 23, 2017Report this review