by Andrea Renee Cox
Sometimes a story woos you, dropping a few teasing hints at just the right moments to ensure it captures your heart before wrapping you in a whirlwind or emotion and hope. Novels like these tend to hold on to you long after you've placed them back on the shelf.
The Story Keeper by Lisa Wingate is one such novel. But it's also so much more. It squirrels away secrets you desperately want to learn, and as the story unfolds, you find that each piece of the treasure you were searching for might come in different vessels than you originally imagined, which might be the best discovery of all.
When a partial manuscript lands mysteriously on Jen Gibbs's desk, she faces a tough decision: read it and risk her new boss's wrath or sneak it back onto the legendary Slush Mountain. Either choice could get her fired, but the pull of the story might just be a journey worth the possible loss of employment ... if she can handle the murky shadows of her past. That could prove even more daunting than 'fessing up to her boss.
The line that stood out the most to me came early on. “It's strange how one person and a handful of stories can alter a life.” It's true of The Story Keeper, but it resonated deeper with me because of another Storyteller.
Jesus Christ told “a handful of stories” called parables. Each one shared a piece of His heart and a large dose of the Truth. They aren't always easily understood, but they impact the lives of those who try to discern the hidden meanings. With these incredible stories, Jesus paved the way for His sacrifice to settle into our hearts. With these stories, He illuminated the way to cross the bridge and be reunited with the Author of our lives. Isn't it amazing how one Man and a handful of stories could provide such a beautiful gift as eternal life with God the Father?