The summoning
2001 • 341 pages


Average rating3


Mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, the portrayals of the villains are very well done, as is the “feel” of an impending disaster. The plot is of course interesting, as it deals with a major event in the Forgotten Realms setting. Too bad the author got his facts wrong - with regards to how the Shadow Weave came about. If only that was the only flaw. Overall, the story was uninteresting, as there's not much excitement going on. The worse thing it did was that it portrayed elves in a very un-elven-like manner - it was like the author wasn't familiar with how elves in the Forgotten Realms setting usually are. Also, other major characters like Elminster, Khelben, and the Seven Sisters aren't exactly done justice too.

November 1, 2006Report this review