The Survivor
2015 • 368 pages


Average rating3.9


It's unclear who the “Survivor” actually is, I'm assuming it's Mitch Rapp, but then again how could it not be? I mean I get that he's supposed to be the best assassin(?), killer(?), spy(?), in the world but dear god is it beaten into you on every single page! Mitch always anticipates what's coming, and then it's written out on the page, just in case you don't get it. Something like, “the bad guy was to the left, Mitch anticipated that”, or “they were moving slower than planned, good thing Mitch factored that in when he made the original plan”. So then they were moving exactly as planned? Yes that sounds ridiculous, but that's literally what happens. There are also a lot of typos in this book. I've never read a Mitch Rapp book before, and maybe starting #14 wasn't the best idea. Action/thriller books are a guilty pleasure for me but even this one was but this was tough to get through.

December 13, 2022Report this review