Average rating4.4
3.75 stars
This book is everything, it talks about life, youth, a relationship between a son and his mother, a husband and a wife that don't meet eye to eye in many things, friends, mom friends, and also how deeply rooted beliefs shape an entire community, how paradigms can be broken, and how every decision affects other people.
I think the book brought so many important topics, specially sexism and politics, and it touches a few fragile fibers in me... like I cried so hard around 45% in, because I too have a son and can connect with Misaki and Mamoru's relationship so it hurts deep inside me I still am not recovered.
The author also writes an exquisite world and even though she uses uncommon words so casually into the writting it didn't disrupt my understanding, actually it made it more inmersive and interesting. I saw the glossary and man it is huge, so at first I found it a bit overwhelming but decided to give it a go without fully understanding the concepts and it turned out amazing!
I also liked having both Mamoru and Misaki's POV, and some of Takeru as well, but specially Mamoru so you know what happens when he's with Kwang, and when he's in the front line, and Misaki is a badass mom. I liked the way she was written with careful details, you can truly understand how she feels when being a trained warrior and then becoming first a housewife and then a mother... how she constantly faces insults from her father in law, indifference from her husband even when she needs him the most, the hurt after she miscarried, natural feelings when you give birth (people tell you that it is love at first sight , but it isn't always the case and for women who don't feel that way they think there's something wrong with them when it's not), her motherly instinct to protect her children... she is the GOAT!
I think the book is amazing, I really enjoyed it to the point I feel devastated. My only note is the last chapter, I think after 50% it was natural to write the aftermath and I appreciate there was great character development after the climax, it was so worth it to keep reading up until the last chapter which to me didn't fit anywhere nor provided anything useful to the story. To me it was more about catching up and giving a bit of info dump on Misaki's classmates but I really didn't care that much about them to have about 30+ pages on them. It would have worked better to leave it out and the ending would have made sense. I just think about it as the "gossip chapter" which is sad for a book like this with so much depth in other matters.
Maybe an epilogue with the youngest Matsuda would have been amazing, I'd connect it with the next book (I know the author froze the Theonite series but it could be a nice closing, having it as self conclusive but leaving a small window in case she wanted to continue in the future)
I hope you find my review useful and remember to be mindful of people because we all have different abilities and ways of thinking.