Average rating4
“Even if we can't change the big picture, our choices can alter the details. That's how we rebel against destiny”
This book was thoroughly enjoyable. Going in, I didn't know if it was gonna turn out to be as hilarious as Percy Jackson and the Olympians, as it was a bit slow in the beginning. But I can now happily concur that I enjoyed it as much as PJO.
The characters were all a joy to read. Magnus was very perceptive of the people around him, whether he liked them or not. Every time he misheard a word or pronounced something incorrectly made me laugh a lot. The little pronunciation lessons were very helpful. Apparently, I'm not as good at pronouncing Norse words, as I am with Greek :D
Loki giving Magnus that pronunciation lesson in the beginning for ‘Hlidskjalf' made me split so bad because I was trying to pronounce it out loud as Loki was explaining it, but as the explanation got weirder, I had the same reaction as Magnus. Also, how come for Magnus, Loki only ever showed up whenever Magnus was dead, or dying. Also, I thought he was only projecting his illusions, didn't think they were tangible as it was shown in the end. Hmm, weird?!
The whole ASL thing was a joy to read. I didn't think I'd like Hearthstone's character as much as I did. Same with Blitz. I like how the author chose to explain the signs for some words to explain the double meanings. It was a joy to read. The constant banter between Blitz and Hearth, and how they supported/argued was really nice to read. One of my favorite parts of the book.
And, how many references did this book make to MCU o.O? Did they describe Frey as Chris Hemsworth?! Dear God.
Things I liked:
- Magnus's mom, just like Percy's mom.
- Hearth and Blitz protecting each other.
- Hearth and Blitz arguing with each other :D
- Did you make Hearth a bed, Blitz? I need one of those.
- Hearth being a plant! (There's too much Hearth on this list)
- Rune magic.
- Samirah, with her camouflage hijab.
- Loki, being an ass and charming all together.
- Magnus's description of Hearth's sign language.
- ASL communication
- The talking sword (Jack)
- Hearth saying he doesn't read sword lips, and Jack saying he can't read Elf hands (!!!)
- The pronunciation guide to Norse words, what is up with that?! PJO did that a lot too.
- Thor being into TV shows and mentioning that he was annoyed because he was a season behind on Sherlock. Appropriate reaction. I would be too if I was in your situation.
- The last fight with Fenris where Hearth grew flowers to protect everyone, and Jack flew around.
- Odin's PowerPoint presentation in the end.
- Also, have to mention Blitz clothes line.
- And lastly, Annabeth :) Can't say how happy I am to see you here! Where's Percy? Which book does he jump in?