Average rating3.8
Spoiler alert (lol it's ancient) if you have never read The Tempest:
Prospero really asked a lot of Ariel in this play. I don't know where my frame of reference is, maybe it's living in this pro-union moment in America; solidarity to the workers always whether they're humans or little island sprites. But I was just shocked at what Ariel was putting up with and I was absolutely certain that Ariel was going to lose his/her/its shit and murder Prospero. Like I was just bracing myself for a rampaging sprite.
Anyway, I completely misread the vibe of this 400 year old play. I just finished it and Prospero has a huge change of heart, sets Ariel and Caliban free, and willingly gives up his magic. There's also a love story.
It's pretty good. It's quotable.