The Trouble with Physics

The Trouble with Physics

2006 • 416 pages


Average rating4.4


I got recommendation of this book after i read Cixin Liu's Remembrance of Earth's Past novel series. For people who love the first book, i believe will appreciate this book. It has eerily resemblance with one of the important plot of The Three Body Problem: the progress of fundamental physic is stuck and physicists are in panic.

Absolutely love this book. The author starts with the great problems of fundamental physics and describe the mystery why we can't find a theory that describe them, we basically stuck and there is no revolutionary progress till now.

Then he goes into details, explaining the leading theory, String Theory. He explains the reason why it still can't describe the nature of our reality. Finally, the last part, he explains the plausible explanation of why this phenomena emerged, which he argued it was because of how our science work.

Some part are quite though, especially the second part, when the author explains String Theory in depth. I am sure I miss some core explanations. Will reread again one day to complete my understanding.

December 17, 2022Report this review