Cover 2

The Vampire's Club

The Vampire's Club: Book One



Average rating3


"Right. You watching me get naked and shower is totally for MY benefit." 💀💀💀💀Can't lie. I cackled. Sure, personally, EYE would just strip for the creepy hot hermit vampire who demanded it but I love an MC with a bit of a spine.

"You can prove to me that you are not a threat if you undress and shower."

Riiiiiiight, right, right. Constantin, you sick perv😂

Anyway. This is only 3 hours but it hooked me enough that I'll be listening to the next one.

Vampire MC with a condition where he feels pain whenever he's in contact with anything, even scents. That is, until he drinks the blood of the other MC, who is a suspected witch.

Problem is, the witches have a long held vendetta against his kind, and the curse he bears is a direct result of the curse put by the witches on his sire.

So he doesn't know whether he can trust this suddenly appearing witchblood miracle guy.

And if the voices the witch MC hears in his head are any indication? Yeahhh Constantin is pretty fucked and right to have doubts.

Can NOT overstate how incredible Ethan Holtan is on the narration. Story is 3/5 for now but the narration is 5/5.

July 24, 2024Report this review