The Vanishing Stair


Average rating4


- This book starts off right after the end of Truly Devious which is great because we were left with a horrible cliffhanger. Stevie is still on the case of the Ellingham murders, but she also has to deal with what is happening in the present at Ellingham. I continued to appreciate the juxtaposition between 1936 and the present throughout the book, but this book was definitely more focused on the present.
- Second books in series can often be challenging since there is so much hype and potential to live up to, but I'm happy to say this book still kept me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going on and how everything was connected.
- The side characters in this series continue to be some of the best characters and really add so much to the story. I think they are what make this story great, it isn't just the mystery of Ellingham and Stevie trying to solve ALL THE CRIMES. It is also who she has around her and their life stories. I truly care about David, Janelle, Nate, and Vi and what is going on with them, even Mudge had some great moments in this one (I really wish we could learn more about all the other students that are there but we focus on Stevie's circle).

- With the cliffhanger ending to this book, I am pretty mad that I have to wait another year to find out what actually happened. But based on what we learned in this installment, I have a few questions about it will take an entire book to solve everything that has happened. I feel like Maureen Johnson may have revealed too much too soon in this second book.

February 16, 2019Report this review