The Veil of Trust
424 pages


Average rating5


In The Veil of Trust, we see Brynna maturing and growing into her role as queen (even if she isn't yet on the throne). She's learned, and continues to learn, some hard lessons. She realizes that she can't save everyone and she can't be on the front lines of every fight. She may yet have what it takes to reclaim her throne.

And Elisha is a joy. If she isn't a force to be reckoned with by the end of the series, I'll be surprised. I think she's my new favorite character in the series.

Other than Brynna's newfound maturity, this book also accomplishes the important goal of building an army to help her take back Forcadel. Before, it was Brynna and a handful of people. Now she has a trained fighting force at her command. Her task, while still significant, becomes a lot more likely with some firepower on her side. Of course, we don't yet know whether it will be enough to overcome whatever Ilara has up her sleeve (because we know she's up to something - she is thoroughly nasty, with no redeeming qualities that I've yet seen).

As with the rest of the series, there's action aplenty. There are twists and turns and unexpected surprises. I can't wait to see what the fourth book brings!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy from the author. All opinions here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't like.

October 1, 2019Report this review