The Vincent Brothers
2012 • 304 pages


Average rating4.3


Once again Abbi has almost burned my kindle. Holy heck can she write. When I dived into the Vincent Brothers I was not really sure what to expect. Though I'm a fan of Beau and Ash, I think I am now more in love with Lana and Sawyer. The Vincent Brothers was a great book. I couldn't put it down, which lead to a late night and some very strong coffee this morning. I was happy to see Sawyer move on and see what was right in front of him. I absolutely adored Lana and I was rooting for her all the way. Now I can't say Sawyer didn't pee me off at one or two points but he more than makes up for it in the end. What a guy. I loved seeing him go from being a boy who was shy and didn't go after what he wanted to a man who fought for the girl he loved. He earned his way into Lana's heart and I have no doubt he is there to stay.

Lana, my heart wept for you. Such a trying time in your life. Lana, who has held herself together and never complained about her life finds herself wanting to open up to Sawyer. She has spent her entire life playing second best to everyone and now in The Vincent Brothers it is time for her to take centre stage. I was cheering her on the whole way. Never once did I think she would fail. Lana is a girl who has been overlooked one too many times. Now with a makeover and a boost in self confidence she cuts herself a path leading right to Sawyer Vincent. This boy had no idea what is about to hit him. I loved how she decided to go after what she wanted, and wow did she win in the end.

Sawyer plays a different role in The Vincent Brothers compared to The Vincent Boys. In the first one you can't help but feel sorry for him, he is the victim after all. But deep down I never really believed that he loved Ash the way he should. He was just a boy who really didn't know what he wanted. Now that he has matured with the breakup of him and Ash he is finally seeing other possibilities. Yeah I can say there are moments in the book when I wanted to smack him in the head with my Kindle but alas I resisted and kept reading. But I was equally as annoyed at Ash for her stupidity, sometimes people just don't think and unfortunately others get hurt because of it. In the end I am totally TEAM SAWYER!

I loved the story Abbi has written, she is just amazing.

June 5, 2017Report this review