The Vintage Teacup Club

The Vintage Teacup Club


Average rating3.5


This book has been lingering on my kindle for a little while - however with a follow up book coming out later this year with lovely enticing cover art I decided it was time to get acquainted with the ladies of the vintage teacup club. Telling the story of three women who meet at a car boot sale whilst searching for vintage teacups.

This book follows each of the women's stories both together and alone, Jenny as she plans her wedding to Dan and deals with an unexpected guest she hadn't planned for, Maggie who's ex husband has just reappeared looking to ignite romance and finally Alison who's struggling to adjust to her husband Pete's redundancy and two teenage daughters.

It was a good read, written in that increasingly popular chic lit style with chapters alternating between each of the girls to move each story along whilst Greene also ties all the stories together with regular meetings between the new friends.

The stories are all engaging and each of the girls lovely to read about, the only thing I struggled with about the book was their move from virtual strangers to bosom buddies almost immediately, I tend to take longer to trust and for relationships to build whereas the girls were all sharing deepest secrets and popping round each other's houses very quickly.

Putting that aside though it was a nice read, I'd like to spend and will spend more time reading the sequel Tuesdays at the Teacup Club. It was nice to feel that their stories won't be ending and that there's lots more to come from the characters.

June 30, 2014Report this review