The War Blog

The War Blog

314 pages


Average rating2


A 2.5 starrer probably...

I really wanted to enjoy this book because I think we need more feminist YA novels which take on the sexism and rape culture that is so prevalent in the current society. This book tries to give voice to that anger that girls are feeling more and more everyday, and appreciate the author for trying, but the execution is definitely not done well. The writing feels very choppy, there are a lot of issues with continuity between scenes, there are too many characters and their stories which are hard to keep track of and also difficult to empathize with, because we never do spend a lot of time going into depth about their feelings and trauma.

I liked the songs that Crystal writes and I will definitely be listening to them because they capture the tone of the book well. I wish the remaining book could also have been equally good.

December 15, 2018Report this review