The Watchmaker of Filigree Street
2016 • 337 pages


Average rating3.8


I do not like this book. It lured me in with promises of clockwork bombings, wooed me with soft stories of clerks, watchmakers and scientists, and then sucker punched me with an emotional roller coaster. This is not healthy and I do not appreciate it.

In all seriousness, though, this book is lovely and amazing and I adore it.

Things I love:

- All the characters. They are all well-developed and while I might personally disagree with some of their choices (coughGracecough) they all make sense and are, in spite of certain things, a lovely, fascinating bunch.

- Thaniel. Yes, he gets his own mention. As our main, leading character, he's so wonderful. He's a calm person and would be just wonderful to have tea with.

- The writing style. I actually took note of the writing this time and it is so great! It's evocative and very deliberate.

- The setting. Look, I love the historical/steampunk stuff, and there is such a sense of time and place in this book that it's glorious.

- Katsu. A clockwork octopus. Enough said.

Now, I'm off to hopefully find if my library has the sequel.

November 11, 2021Report this review