The Way Home in the Night

The Way Home in the Night

2015 • 39 pages

5 stars! A child bunny is being carried home by mama bunny on the street, and wonders about the lives of the various people he sees in the windows. Call it childlike wonder or innate human curiosity that kids and adults alike possess, but the ending punchline (which I shall not spoil here) nails how life is finding ordinary in the special, and the special in the ordinary. Illustrations were amazing - the charcoal drawing style really brings out that night stroll feels!


My Rating System:
5⭐️: Excellent book AND influenced a change in my views ⬅️⬅️⬅️
4.5⭐️: Excellent read
4⭐️: Great read, will recommend
3.5⭐️: Enjoyable read but missing something that will make it great
3⭐️: An okay read that I didn't regret spending time on it
2⭐️: Didn't enjoy
1⭐️: Didn't enjoy and had serious issues. Will suggest to avoid.

December 13, 2021Report this review