Average rating4.1
Writing- 4.5
Plot: 5
Characters: 4
Enjoyment: 4.5
Overall: 4.5
-rape and slut shaming-
“maybe” could just be another word for hope.
This book follows Eden throughout her four years in high school. It starts off from the day she was raped by her brothers best friend Kevin. And it continues on showing how this changes her life from that day on.
Writing: I really liked amber smiths writing. I also liked that she was brave enough to write about a really tough subject and execute it so well.
I do recommend y'all to try to look for a review from a rape victim because it is important.
Plot: I really liked following Eden trough her four years of high school. I thought it was unique and really interesting seeing her development as the years went by.
Characters: I really liked the characters yes they were frustrating at points but I feel like even them being frustrating was important in the development of the story. There were a lot of slut shaming characters and that kinda pissed me off but again I knew that it was important for the storyline. Eden did frustrate me at some parts but then in others I just wanted to hug her and be there for her.
Enjoyment: If you haven't noticed yet, I really enjoyed this book. I cried so much, there's a few pages that have some tear stains.
I do recommend y'all to read it if you're not triggered by the sensitive topics. It's very important and I thank amber for writing such an amazing novel.