The Wheel of the Year: A Nurturing Guide to Rediscovering Nature's Seasons and Cycles

The Wheel of the Year

A Nurturing Guide to Rediscovering Nature's Seasons and Cycles

201 pages


The Wheel of the Year by Rebecca Beattie is an enchanting celebration of nature's cycles, offering readers a chance to nurture themselves through the turning seasons. As a Wiccan priestess and nature lover, Beattie takes us on a magical journey around the Wheel of the Year, exploring eight restorative moments in nature's cycle.

Rooted in an appreciation of the rhythms of the seasons, this book provides readers with opportunities to pause and find stillness amidst the chaos of modern life. With each chapter dedicated to a specific point in the wheel, from solstices and equinoxes to midpoints in-between, Beattie invites us to connect with the rejuvenating power of nature. Through rituals, folklore, and traditions associated with each seasonal festival, readers can celebrate and experience the ebb and flow of the natural world.

Moreover, The Wheel of the Year encourages readers to embark on a personal journey alongside these external changes. By charting their own moments of transition, reflection, and healing, individuals can deepen their connection with their true inner selves. This book offers wisdom and wonder as it guides readers towards living in harmony with nature.

One notable aspect of The Wheel of the Year is its stunning cover. It instantly captivates attention and sets the tone for what lies within. Furthermore, Beattie's expertise shines through her writing - it is evident that she possesses a deep knowledge and understanding of her subject matter. The well-organized layout allows for easy navigation through each section of the wheel.

While this book is packed with activities and rituals to keep readers engaged, one downside is that my copy (an ARC) did not contain any illustrations. As someone who typically enjoys visual aspects in books like these, I missed having that additional layer.

In conclusion, The Wheel of the Year is a captivating exploration into nature's cycles that will leave readers feeling connected to both the external world and their inner selves. Beattie's expertise, combined with the well-structured layout, makes this book an enjoyable read. Although lacking illustrations in my copy was disappointing, the content itself more than makes up for it.

ARC Via NetGalley

July 2, 2023Report this review