The Whisperers of Evernow
2019 • 274 pages


Average rating5


A tyrant king harnesses the power of the spoken word for his selfish ends while his people go hungry. His army of Whisperers speaks his wishes into the universe and brings them to pass. Jeremiah is conscripted as a Whisperer, leaving his sister Micah and his parents behind. The promise of a better life is soon shown to be a lie, as Whisperers lose everything once in service to the king. They even lose the right to speak for themselves. They are to say nothing, except what the king wishes.

Rose, the king's eldest daughter, has been told by her mother for as long as she can remember to be ready to run. The king isn't interested in daughters, and once her mother has a son, Rose knows that the days of her and her sisters are numbered.

The Whisperers of Evernow is a story of good versus unspeakable evil, a wicked, selfish king, and a love that is willing to risk all to bring about change. Heidi Catherine does a wonderful job of building the world her characters inhabit and of drawing her characters so that they take on life. Micah, feisty and unwilling to take no for an answer, was my favorite. This was the first book of Heidi Catherine's that I've read, and I look forward to reading more.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC copy of this book from the author. All opinions expressed here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't like.

April 27, 2019Report this review