The white bone

The white bone

1999 • 336 pages


Average rating3.2


Can you be happy about reading a book you did not particularly like? That's how I feel about The White Bone.

As a kid I was watching a TV documentary about zoo keepers working with the elephants of a local zoo, and I loved it so much I decided I wanted to become a zoo keeper when I grew up (and while that didn't actually happen, I'm still terribly fascinated by elephants). So when I stumbled upon this book for a reading challenge I just had to read it.

I appreciate the ambitious attempt at taking research about elephant behaviour and turning it into a journey told through an elephant's point of view. I suppose Gowdy succeeded. I really like how she portrays their intelligence and empathy. But there are so many speculative elements here (for instance, elephants being religious and having telepathic skills) that my wish to gain more knowledge about elephants tripped me up. A lot. I googled to fact check things. I still don't know if elephants actually do use warthog urine to treat wounds, or if that's a product of Gowdy's creative additions. Is it important to the story? Not at all! But my brain couldn't let it go.

I love the beginning. I really like the build-up of anticipation regarding Mud's background and the journey she's set out on. The second half lost me (had to speed read to finish). I think this is probably due to me expecting something else than what this story turned out to be. So... 3 stars from me, and the assumption that this will be really interesting for the right kind of reader (not that I know where to begin to describe that reader).

I really am happy I read it. Even if I only enjoyed the first half, that first half gave a very interesting elephant point of view.

April 30, 2022Report this review